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Use BCC field when addressing mass mail

PLEASE READ and become a better E-mail user. This information is intended not only to make you a neater "E-mailer" but one that is more considerate and more thoughtful. Your friends will be thankful!.

Would you write your friends' phone numbers on the walls of public places? I didn't think so. Then why would you share their private E-mail addresses with a group of strangers when you know that many of whom will CARELESSLY forward the same addresses to even more strangers? DON'T DO IT! Instead, use your E-mail program'S BCC feature.

BCC means Blind Carbon Copy. It provides a way of addressing messages to more than one person so that everyone's address is not displayed for all to see. ALL email programs, including the web-based email services, allow you to address messages using BCC. In other words you can "BCC" one or more recipients when sending a message. Some require that you provide at least one address in the TO: field before sending. If this is the case with your email client (program, application), place YOUR OWN email address in the TO: field. Keep your recipients' addresses in the BCC field.



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