LINKS & GUIDES Outlook Training Outline (pdf) Various Screenshots Outlook Shortcuts

This page contains mainly setup options including Delegation and Permissions, Folder Views, Message Colors, etc.

Granting Delegation
(the ability for another user to send mail on your behalf)

  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Delegates
  4. Add
  5. Select user
  6. OK
  7. At this point you may also choose to grant Permissions for user to view other components such as Inbox, Calendar, etc.
  8. OK
  9. OK
After Permissions have been granted,
to enable display of your folders on delegate's Folder List:
  1. Right-Click on Outlook Today Folder (Mailbox)
  2. Properties
  3. Permissions
  4. Add
  5. Select user
  6. OK
  7. Assign Permissions
    (Ex: select "Publishing Author" from Roles drop-down for full access.)
  8. OK
  9. For EACH folder, set permissions by right-clicking
  10. Choose Properties
  11. Permissions
  12. Set Permissions to desired level.
"Accepting" Permissions
(Displaying shared folders on grantee's Folder List)
  1. Right-Click on Outlook Today (Mailbox) folder
  2. Properties
  3. General tab
  4. Advanced button
  5. Advanced tab
  6. Add button
  7. Type User ID
  8. OK
  9. OK
  10. OK

At this point, associate's Mailbox appears Folder List.

Only permissions to Core folders (Calendar, Tasks, Inbox, Contacts, Notes and Journal) can be granted from Delegate Permissions dialog box. Permissions to any other folders must be granted individually. This includes Sent Items, Deleted Items, Outbox and any other folders that may exist.

To share other folders:
  1. Right-Click desired folder on delegator's Folder List (Ex: Sent Items)
  2. Properties
  3. Permissions
  4. Add
  5. Assign Permissions
    (Ex: select "Publishing Editor" from Roles drop-down for full access.)
  6. OK
Revoking Permissions
Unsharing your folders.
  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Delegates
  4. Select (un)desired delegate
  5. Remove
  6. OK
Removing delegator's Mailbox from Folder List
This will cause delegator's folders to disappear from delegate's Folder List.
  1. Tools
  2. Services
  3. Properties for Microsoft Exchange Server
  4. Advanced
  5. Remove
  6. (Are you sure?) Yes
  7. OK
  8. OK
Other Settings
Creating a new view for folders:
  1. View
  2. Current View
  3. Define Views
  4. New
  5. Name the new view
  6. Table
  7. All Mail Folders
  8. OK
  9. Click Fields to select desired Fields for new view
  10. OK
To apply a View:
  1. View
  2. Current View
  3. Select from menu
Change Font of Plain Text messages (when Reading & Composing)
  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Mail Format
  4. Fonts (in Stationery and Fonts section)
  5. Choose Font (in section: When composing and reading plain text)
Change color & font of Unread messages in Inbox
  1. Right-Click Column Headings
  2. Customize Current View
  3. Automatic Formatting
  4. click Font to change Color and Font
Change color of Reply text
  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Mail Format
  4. Fonts
Calendar Customizations:
Uncompressing weekend days
  1. Right-click on Month calendar and choose:
  2. Custom Settings
  3. Uncheck the "Compress Weekend Days" checkbox
Changing Calendar to begin on Sunday
  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Calendar Options
  4. In "First Day of Week" list, choose Sunday
If user has a set of standard Outlook folders in his Personal Folders, to eliminate them:
  1. Tools
  2. Services
  3. Delivery tab (verify "deliver new mail to the following location" is set to "Mailbox - username", not Personal Folders
  4. Move all mail from PST to Inbox, if any.
  5. Tools
  6. Services
  7. Main "services" tab
  8. Remove the personal folders
  9. Delete the actual PST folder
  10. Tools
  11. Services
  12. Add the Personal Folders
  13. *if user has folders or achives, you will need to move them into the new Personal Folder list befoe you delete the PST.
  14. Delete bad PST file from home directory

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